SIS191 ethernet chipset problem on ubuntu

Thursday, June 25, 2009
After 3 days struggling with Ubuntu 9.04 installation over one of our church desktop computer, finally we find the solution. (i'm using Asus P5S-MX SE motherboard which use SIS191 as it's ethernet chipset another computer which use the same chipset and probably get the same problem is Acer Aspire SA90)

The problem begin when i'm choosing to switch our church office desktop to switch to Ubuntu Linux 9.04, the installation going very smooth and everything seems going very well, but when i try to update the package manager... here's come the problem.. strangely the updater just like hangs... it can't get package from the internet... At first i assume that there's a network problem on our church.. but after do some investigation i find out that there's no problem with the network, and finally i try to do some network tools like ping, dig (to find out if there's a problem with my dns) and strangely.. everything just going well (the computer can ping and resolve domain name).
And finally after some reinstallations of Ubuntu 9.04 and some googling - i find out that there's a bug (i don't know if we've to call it a bug or problem with the SIS), the old kernel (2.6 kernel) just can't recognize the SIS191.

There's a solution for this problem on HowtoForge regarding to this problem, but it's just seems to complicated for regular users - so i decided to install some network card to my ubuntu (i'm using TP-Link PCI ethernet card which only cost me 4 bucks) and it's instantly recognized by Ubuntu and after that we do some upgrade to the distro, and viola.. it's just work again and we can remove the network card and use the onboard one. Read More...