Panasonic AG-MX70 DSK (Down Stream Keyer)

Friday, April 9, 2010
Yes it's a bit confusing for the first time we using the DSK function on AG-MX70, me either need about one week to figure out how to set the DSK on AG-MX70.

Here's the step :
1. Connect the source of your DSK by using Composite or Component to "EXT IN" jack at the back of your AG-MX70 ("Key" for "Composite" and "Y Pb Pr" for "Component"
2. Next is the setup of your video mixer section, go to "Setup" setting by pressing the "Set up" button under the LCD and change the "Gen. Lock" -- "Ref In" into "Ext Key"
3. Next go to "DSK Fade" setting by pressing the "DSK Fade" button under the LCD and change the "DSK Source" -- "Key" into "EXT" and "Fill" into "BodMat" (this will make sure your text color match your desired color.
4. To change your text color just go to the "PATTERN" setting ("Mix" ussually for the church) by pressing the "Mix" button under the PATTERN setting , and change "Pattern Edge" -- "Color" into the color you want ("Yellow" for me).
Yes you can change the color into the color you desired.
5. To start using the DSK, send the text to mixer (i'm using Easy Woship from one computer connected to my video mixer by using S-Video to RCA cable custom build). The text must using black background.

I know the result of AG-MX70 is a litle bit crappy, and if your church have budget, just plan to buy one more video switcher with Chroma Key function other than using DSK function on AG-MX70 (There just a plain text with no shadow under it)


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